1. Title: Diabetes and the foot : implications for South Africa : editorial
    Authors: Rheeder, P.
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 91-92
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    Abstract: The prevention of diabetic foot complications is recognised as critically important in the management of diabetes.
  2. Title: Advances in the management of the diabetic foot : editorial
    Authors: Tudhope, Lynne
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 93-94
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    Abstract: The World Health Organisation has predicted that there will be 380 million diagnosed diabetics worldwide by 2025. Africa will face the second highest increase in prevalence of the disease ; an expected increase of 160%, second only to that expected in the Middle East. This predicted increase equates to 760 million feet at risk of possible ulceration! It is crucial to note that not only those patients with longstanding diabetes but any person with newly diagnosed diabetes is at risk of developing foot complications, that is, a 'diabetic foot'.
  3. Title: A possible link between insulin glargine and malignancy : the facts : editorial
    Authors: Mollentze, W.F.
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 95-98
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    Abstract: On 26 June 2009 Diabetologia, official mouthpiece of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), sounded the alarm in a press release regarding a possible association between the use of insulin glargine and an increased risk for the development of certain malignancies compared to human insulin and other insulin analogs. The evidence for such an increased risk is based on a single study recently conducted in Germany and available on the Diabetologia website. Before making the results of the German study known, the editor of Diabetologia sensibly commissioned three additional studies in an effort to reach more clarity on the issue. These studies were done in Sweden, the UK and Scotland.
  4. Title: GLP-1 and GLP-1-based therapies : addressing beta-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes : review
    Authors: Nauck, Michael
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 100-106
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    Abstract: Although insulin resistance and impaired betacell function typically coexist in type 2 diabetes, recent evidence points to a decline in beta-cell function and mass as the key elements in the development of overt hyperglycaemia and progression of the disease. However, most of the current therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes aim to ameliorate hyperglycaemia through mechanisms of action that do not affect the beta-cell directly. By contrast, the incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and GLP-1-based therapies act directly on the beta-cell by stimulating insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, and in in vitro and animal studies by promoting beta-cell proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis. This review aims to identify the factors behind betacell dysfunction, outline the limitations of the most commonly used type 2 diabetes therapies and explain how GLP-1-based therapies can overcome these limitations.
  5. Title: Get your socks off : diabetic foot care in the community : hands on
    Authors: Karet, Brian
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 108-110
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    Abstract: All of us delivering care to people with diabetes know that it's increasingly common, affecting two million people in the UK, according to figures for 2007. It is also expensive, taking up about 10% of NHS costs and 5% of social costs. We also know it's the commonest cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputations and that's just one of the reasons that we spend so much time in clinics optimising care and detecting complications. But how well do we understand the impact of foot disease and how organised are we in assessing and treating it?
  6. Title: Foot care for people with diabetes : patient information leaflet
    Authors: Clarke, Andrew
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 111
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    Abstract: If you have diabetes it is essential that you look after your feet, so that they can look after you. However, it does not mean that you are doomed to suffer serious complications such as loss of sensation, poor circulation, infection, ulcers, gangrene and finally, amputation. Fortunately, most of the conditions that affect your feet can be prevented by being well informed about the status of your feet, doing your best to control your blood sugar and taking some daily precautions to reduce this risk.
  7. Title: Dr Gabaza Ngobeni wins the Servier Award for Community Involvement : diabetes personality
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 113-114
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    Abstract: The Servier Award for Community Involvement was presented at the 11th Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE) Postgraduate Forum in Diabetes Management, held in Johannesburg in August. It comprises an unconditional educational grant to the value of R10 000 and is presented to the CDE centre that exhibits the highest degree of commitment to the community it serves.
  8. Title: The Complete Nutritional Solution to Diabetes : Ria Catsicas : book review
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 114
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    Abstract: Ria Catsicas RD (SA) is a registered clinical dietician who has been in private practice for 20 years. She graduated with a BSc (Hons) (cum laude) in Dietetics from the North West University and subsequently completed a BA (Psychology) from UNISA. She is currently studying a Master's degree in Nutrition with a special focus on diabetes.
  9. Title: Update from the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, 2009 : ADA watch
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 116-119
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    Abstract: Update from the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, 2009
  10. Title: Lessons from the BEAUTIfUL trial : drug trends
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 121-122
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    Abstract: The benefit of lowering heart rate (HR) in post myocardial infarction (MI) patients is now well accepted and included in all major guidelines. However, until the recent publication of the BEAUTIfUL [morbidity-mortality EvAlUaTion of the If inhibitor ivabradine in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and left-ventricULar dysfunction] study, the target HR had not been established in prospective outcome studies.
  11. Title: Importance of HbA1c assay in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus : drug trends
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 123-124
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    Abstract: The publication in June 2009 of an article on this subject - representing a consensus opinion by European and American experts - potentially represents a major paradigm shift away from the reliance on only blood glucose measures for a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Speaking at the 11th Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE) Postgraduate Forum in Diabetes Management, held in Johannesburg in August, Durban-based endocrinologist Dr Aslam Amod appraised this expert opinion, but found it lacking in some respects.
  12. Title: Save these dates
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 124
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    Abstract: 16th Biennial Congress of the Southern African Hypertension Society Recent Advances in Hypertension
  13. Title: Generic drug companies need to build brands and consider clinical research : drug trends
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 125-126
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    Abstract: Generic companies must stand out above their competitors (other generic companies) in order to capture market share.
  14. Title: Primary prevention using losartan in type 1 diabetic patients significantly reduces retinopathy : drug trends
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 126
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    Abstract: This five-year RASS study on the effect of blockade of the renin-angiotensin system with an ACE inhibitor (enalapril) or an ARB (losartan) was not able to show that primary prevention protects kidney function in normotensive, normo-albuminuric type 1 diabetic patients. This therapy did however achieve significant beneficial effects on diabetic retinopathy.
  15. Title: Diabetes news
    From: South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, Vol 6, Issue 3, Sep
    Published: 2009
    Pages: 127-128
    Full text: Click here to order
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    Abstract: Novonordisk meeting
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