The SA Journal Diabetes & Vascular Disease Volume 21 No 1 (November 2024)

Production Editor SHAUNA GERMISHUIZEN TEL: 021 785 7178 FAX: 086 628 1197 e-mail: Financial & Production Co-ordinator ELSABÉ BURMEISTER TEL: 021 976 8129 CELL: 082 775 6808 FAX: 086 664 4202 e-mail: Content Manager MICHAEL MEADON (Design Connection) TEL: 021 976 8129 FAX: 086 655 7149 e-mail: The South African Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease is published twice a year for Clinics Cardive Publishing (Pty) Ltd and printed by Durbanville Commercial Printers/Tandym Print. Online Services: Design Connection. All correspondence to be directed to: THE EDITOR PO BOX 1013 DURBANVILLE 7551 or TEL: 021 976 8129 FAX: 086 664 4202 INT: +27 (0)21 976-8129 To subscribe to the journal or change address, email Full text articles available on: via The opinions, data and statements that appear in any articles published in this journal are those of the contributors. The publisher, editors and members of the editorial board do not necessarily share the views expressed herein. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy and avoid mistakes, no liability on the part of the publisher, editors, the editorial board or their agents or employees is accepted for the consequences of any inaccurate or misleading information. 2 VOLUME 21 NUMBER 1 • November 2024 CONTENTS 16 The predictive value of triglyceride–glucose index for assessing the severity and MACE of premature coronary artery disease L Yang, Y Peng, Z Zhang 22 Comprehensive ABC (HbA1c, blood pressure, LDL-C) control and cardiovascular disease risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and major depressive disorder in a South African managed healthcare organisation L A Naidoo, N Butkow, P Barnard-Ashton, E Libhaber