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this approach may give individuals a false sense of security that

they are at low risk for CHD when in fact their lifetime risk is high.


Indeed, studies from the USA have shown that around 50% of the

population are classified as having a low 10-year risk but a high

lifetime risk of CVD.


Those with a low 10-year but high lifetime

risk have greater subclinical disease burden and greater incidence

of atherosclerotic plaque progression (measured by techniques such

as carotid intima–media thickness) compared with individuals with

a low 10-year and low lifetime risk, even at younger ages.


However, despite these advantages there are limitations

associated with moving to a lifetime risk metric. In contrast to

data from Lloyd-Jones and colleagues (Fig. 3), a pooled analysis

of over 900 000 person years showed high (> 30%) lifetime risk

estimates for total CVD for all individuals, even those who are

middle-aged with optimal risk factors and without diabetes.



addition, a comparison of lifetime risk for individuals with diabetes

and stratified by obesity status from the Framingham Heart Study

also showed a lifetime risk of CVD among normal-weight men and

women with diabetes of 78.6 and 54.8%, respectively, increasing

to 86.9 and 78.8% among those who were obese.


These data

must be considered when attempting to define the level at which a

patient is considered to be at a high lifetime risk of CVD, particularly

in those with type 2 diabetes, given its increasing prevalence in

young adults. There will also be a significant cost impact associated

with developing CVD management strategies based on lifetime

risk due to both earlier intervention and the potential for a large

increase in the number of patients considered at risk.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, chronic hyperglycaemia

often precedes diagnosis by several years, causing extensive

vascular damage and leading to the early development of clinical

complications. Up to 50% of patients have diabetic complications

at diagnosis,


for example nephropathy and retinopathy are

present in approximately 20% of patients.


These facts provide

an imperative to intervene at an earlier stage in type 2 diabetes.

This is not limited to improving glycaemic control but to address

all modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. Data from patients in

the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial showed that immediate

antihypertensive treatment reduced the occurrence of stroke by

28% (


= 0.01) and major cardiovascular events by 15% (


= 0.03)

compared with delayed treatment.


The principle here is that it is

not simply the degree of elevation of a risk factor that is important

but also the duration of time to which the vascular endothelium is

exposed to this insult.

Glycaemic control

There is good evidence that tight glycaemic control improves the

risk of microvascular complications in the patients with diabetes,

but there is no such consensus in relation to macrovascular disease.

Three trials, ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in



ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease:



and Diamicron


Modified-Release Controlled Evaluation)


and VADT (Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial)


investigated the effects

of pursuing a more intensive treatment strategy to an HbA


level of

either < 6.5% (ADVANCE) or < 6% (ACCORD and VADT). None of

these trials demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the

primary combined cardiovascular end points. In the ACCORD study,

there was a 22% increase in total mortality in the intensive therapy

group largely driven by increases in cardiovascular mortality. While

there remains the possibility that this increase in mortality may be

related to hypoglycaemic events, it has been noted that most of

the deaths were among patients with poor glycaemic control who

were not reaching target, there has been no consensus reached as

to the precise cause.

However, a meta-analysis of five studies and over 30 000 patients

included data from all three of these studies and found that a more

intensive treatment strategy was associated with a significant

reduction of incident cardiovascular events and MI [OR 0.89 (0.83–

0.95) and 0.86 (0.78–0.93) respectively]. Similar reductions were

not, however, found for either stroke or cardiovascular mortality

[OR 0.93 (0.81–1.07) and 0.98 (0.77–1.23) respectively].



term macrovascular benefits also became evident in the 10-year

follow up of the UKPDS as more events occurred, with reductions

in the risk of MI and death from any cause in both the sulfonylurea-

insulin [RR 0.85 (0.74–0.97) and 0.87 (0.79–0.96) respectively]

and metformin groups [RR 0.67 (0.51–0.89) and 0.73 (0.59–0.89)



Nevertheless, it is clear that not all patients will benefit

from pursuing an aggressive strategy for glycaemic control.


Consequently, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

(EASD) and American Diabetes Association (ADA) have recently

released a joint position statement emphasising the importance

of individualising glycaemic targets in managing patients with



Diabetic dyslipidaemia and cardiovascular risk

Managing dyslipidaemia is an important part of a multifactorial

treatment approach in patients with diabetes, as it is a significant

independent predictor of CHD and mortality.


Patients with type

2 diabetes may have a relatively normal total cholesterol level.

However these patients may have an atherogenic dyslipidaemia

characterised by elevated triglycerides (TG), low HDL cholesterol

concentrations and small dense LDL particles.


The formation

of small dense LDL is of particular significance in this population as

these particles have been shown to be the major determinant of

the serum concentration of glycated ApoB.


Both small-dense LDL

and glycation of LDL are associated with an increase in susceptibility

to oxidative modification,


promoting its rapid uptake by

macrophages to create foam cells central to the atherosclerotic

process. In addition, patients often show elevated ApoB (reference

range 55–140 mg/dl in men and 55–125 mg/dl in women) and

non-HDL cholesterol concentrations. The risk associated with

atherogenic dyslipidaemia is uncorrelated with, and additive to,

that of the LDL cholesterol concentration alone.


Extensive evidence shows that in diabetic patients, elevated TG,

low HDL cholesterol and ApoB are predictors for macrovascular

complications such as CVD; and this relationship is independent of

LDL cholesterol.


Non-fasting TG levels, measured two to four

hours post-prandially, may be of even greater relevance to CVD

risk since atherogenic lipoprotein remains, secreted by the liver

and intestine after food, circulates in higher concentrations than

when fasting.


Although LDL cholesterol levels in persons with

diabetes tend not to be higher than those of persons matched for

age, gender and body weight, the LDL particles are more numerous

as they are smaller and more dense (depleted of cholesterol) than

in the general population.


As each atherogenic particle such as

LDL carries one molecule of ApoB, the ApoB concentration is often

increased and has been shown as a better predictor for CHD risk

than LDL cholesterol.


Non-HDL cholesterol reflects the combined